Sample |
Translation |
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. |
Statistics |
China (1,214,221,000) - Taiwan (16,177,800) - Hong Kong (5,832,000) - Malaysia (3,682,226) - United States (1,645,000) - Singapore (1,568,000) - Indonesia (1,540,000) - Thailand (1,170,120) - Philippines (500,700) - Viet Nam (500,000) - Macau (498,000) - Venezuela (400,000) - Cambodia (340,000) - Japan (150,000) - Peru (100,000) - Netherlands (70,000) - Saudi Arabia (58,000) - North Korea (51,000) - Germany (40,000) - Italy (40,000) - Mauritius (35,000) - Mongolia (35,000) - Mexico (31,000) - Dominican Republic (25,000) - Laos (25,000) - South Korea (24,000) - Brunei (22,500) - Reunion (21,000) - New Zealand (20,000) - Spain (20,000) - French Polynesia (19,200) - Australia (19,000) - Madagascar (16,000) - South Africa (15,000) - Belgium (14,000) - Papua New Guinea (10,000) - Paraguay (7,500) - Ecuador (7,000) - Mozambique (7,000) - Nicaragua (7,000) - Trinidad and Tobago (6,500) - Panama (6,000) - Surinam (6,000) - Fiji (5,500) - Canada (5,000) - French Guiana (5,000) - Costa Rica (4,500) - Norway (3,000) - Honduras (2,000) - Midway Islands (2,000) - Puerto Rico (2,000) - Guyana (1,500) - El Salvador (1,300) - Austria (1,200) - Solomon Islands (1,000) - Martinique (500) - Nauru (500) - Hungary (300) - Vanuatu (300) - Tonga (200) - United Arab Emirates (100) - Russia (?) - United Kingdom (?) - Total (1,300,000,000) |
Classification |
Sino-Tibetan | Chinese |
Chinese Translations Services