LM Languages

The samples of 2000 languages in the world

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A - B - C - D
E - F - G - H
I - J - K - L
M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T
U - V - W - X
Y - Z




Translation This is a story about an old lady whose name was Manikanetesh (Margaret Michel), a Mushuau Innu (Naskapi) woman, originally of the Ungava Band, whose territory spanned from Kapukuanipant-kauashat (Voisey's Bay) to Mushuau-nipi (Indian House Lake) and Uashkaikan (Kuujjuak). In 1960, Manikanetesh passed away, a very old woman in Sheshatshu. I have no doubt she would have been over 100 years old when she died, although I have nothing to prove her age at that time. There is no official record of her date of birth. I am planning to start my own research about the facts of her long life. I am also thinking of writing a book about this prominent women since I consider her part of an important unwritten Innu history.
Statistics Canada (8,000) - Total (8,000)
Classification Algic | Algonquian

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