LM Languages

The samples of 2000 languages in the world

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


A - B - C - D
E - F - G - H
I - J - K - L
M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T
U - V - W - X
Y - Z



Uyghur (Latin Script) Language Sample

Translation (1) Even if the world is flooded, the duck feels safe. (2) Six months of work with cotton is not enough for a coat. (3) Sky is too high to fly to, the ground is too hard to get in. (4) If you spit into the sky, it'll drop onto your face. (5) Moving slowly is still moving, stopping gets you nowhere. (6) A good horse needs only one whipping, a bad horse needs a thousand. (7) Don't ride a horse if you want to complain about the pain. (8) Long on words, short on deeds. (9) The father couldn't harm a fly, but the son can kill a pig. (10) The bad shooter blames the bullet.
Statistics China (7,214,431) - Kazakhstan (300,000) - Kyrghyzstan (37,000) - Uzbekistan (36,000) - Pakistan (5,000) - Tajikistan (3,581) - Afghanistan (3,000) - Mongolia (1,000) - Turkey (500) - Australia (?) - Germany (?) - India (?) - Indonesia (?) - Iran (?) - Morocco (?) - Saudi Arabia (?) - Taiwan (?) - United States (?) - Total (7,464,000)
Classification Altaic | Turkic

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